YISEM aims to apply more inclusive practices in training on media literacy & digitalization, and in the support of entrepreneurship and social engagement.
– creates tools for practitioners to better engage young people in self-directed initiatives and foster a more sustainable and social entrepreneurship based on innovation and media communication.
– fosters the exchange of good practice among youth work organizations, increasing youth work quality and sustaining the creation of new educational material in podcast format.
– creates formative and experiential opportunities for young people, supporting the development of small-scale social projects based on entrepreneurial principles.
February 2022 – February 2024
- 6 partner organizations
- Young Innovator Bootcamp – Training Activity
- Local Entrepreneurship Hubs in 6 partner countries
- Podcast with 30 episodes in 6 languages
- 6 multiplication events in the partner countries
- to promote digital entrepreneurship competences and social engagement of young people
- to foster quality youth work and the exchange of best practices
- to provide open educational material for youth workers to support young people in the implementation of self-directed projects
- to develop non-formal education tools (in podcast format) and experiential and peer learning opportunities (international training and local innovator hubs)
- to strengthen capacities of youth work organizations in the fields of social entrepreneurship and digital media, and the inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities
- to raise awareness among local and European stakeholders on the values of inclusion and diversity, and the potentials of youth participation for social innovation
- promote innovative career paths and non-formal education opportunities through a cross-sectoral approach